How to implement logic to parse a
Опубликовано чт, 11/18/2021 - 13:36 пользователем MaximHi here!
Today I'm going on to share bash code allows to parse key/value input parameters.
Hi here!
Today I'm going on to share bash code allows to parse key/value input parameters.
Hello evetyone.
Today I have faces the following error:$ sdkmanager
Warning: Could not create settings
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at at at at at
Mac OS X Catalina uses by default zsh.
You can change the default shell to Bash by running the following command:chsh -s /bin/bash
If you want to back to zsh use following command:chsh -s /bin/zsh
To get list of all included shells you can use command below: <\p>cat /etc/shells
The original article you can find here
Today I have faced issue to adding Objective-C Libraries to Swift Frameworks.
I found many tutorials but only one of them really helped me. I will provide link to original post below on the end of the current post.
Hello everyone!
Today I'm going on to tell to you the easiest way how to remove local and remote branches in GIT.
Hello everyone!
Today I'm going on to share bash script with you, which will help you to collect all android devices id.
for line in `adb devices | grep -v "List" | awk '{print $1}'`
device=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "$device"
if [ $deviceList != "" ]; then
echo $deviceList
This approach you can use to capture any data from any output.
Have a good day!
Follow these steps to enable Screen Sharing via Terminal.
1. Navigate to Applications | Utilities and launch Terminal. If you're working from a keyboard only, press Command+Space Bar to launch Spotlight, and then enter Terminal in the search box to launch the app.
If you decided to use another appium version.
You can use these commands:
npm uninstall -g appium
npm install -g appium@1.8.1
I have the Ubuntu 16.04 that was updated to 16.10.
And one day I faced with the following situation on the preload ubuntu screen
/dev/sda6: recovering journal
/dev/sda6: clean, 193225/9527296 files, 1610280/38077184 blocks
Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to
try again to boot into default mode.
Press Enter for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):
Hi everyone!
If you need to add some local lib to you maver project add block below to pom.xml file inside the dependencies block.